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Senior Pastor
Earl R. Matthews

Executive Pastor
Gail F. Matthews

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Earl R. Matthews is a man of God with a true servant’s heart. He was raised and educated in Jacksonville, Florida; graduating from New Stanton Vocational High School. Upon graduation he joined the U.S. Marine Corps.  His military service instilled in him the leadership qualities and abilities that have caused him to be respected by many.  His tours of duty also afforded him the opportunity to travel the world giving him a broader outlook and perspective of life in general.


Earl Matthews has an extensive background in personnel management. His experience includes management of several national restaurant franchises. He attended Norfolk State University, Norfolk, VA; Logos Bible Institute, Akron, OH; and C. H. Mason Bible College, Jacksonville, FL.


Earl Matthews is a lifelong church attendee; at five years old his grandmother took him to Holy Temple COGIC, which later became Cathedral of Faith COGIC. His mentor and father in the gospel was the late Bishop C. D. Kinsey.  Under Bishop Kinsey’s tutelage he was well trained in all aspects of ministry.  The then Brother Matthews accepted the call to preach the gospel in 1993, became a licensed Minister in 1994, and ordained an Elder in 2003.


For the past fifteen years, Pastor Matthews’ sole focus and occupation has been full time ministry.  He has served and/or is currently serving in the following capacites:


  • Cathedral of Faith COGIC

       - Board Member and Administrative Staff


  • Central Florida First Jurisdiction, COGIC

      - Assistant Jurisdictional Secretary,

        March 2007 - August 2011

      - Jurisdictional Secretary, August 2011-Present


  • International Church of God in Christ, Adjutancy Corp

      - Adjutant Servant Leader, April 2021 - Present

      - Scribe, April 2017-April 2021

​      -​ Adjutant Overseer, November 2011-April 2017


  • Office of the General Secretary

      - Assistant General Secretary for Protocol, Policies,

       and Procedures, April 2021-Present  


  • Ministers the gospel locally and throughout the country


  • Facilitates workshops focusing on Protocol in the Church


Pastor Earl Matthews and Lady Gail Matthews founded F.I.R.E, a ministry established to promote and inspire the Spirit of Excellence in ministry through workshops and symposiums.


Established in 2016, E. Matthews Ministries began sponsoring the Annual Pentecostal Explosion, bringing together the ecumenical community for corporate worship.


He served as the Senior Pastor of Pentecostal Church of God in Christ in Palatka, FL from October 2018 to April 2022. Pastor Matthews, following the direction of the Lord, established New Horizons Church in his hometown of Jacksonville, FL in May 2022.


Pastor Earl Matthews and Co-Pastor Gail Matthews enjoy traveling and spending time with family.  Together they are the parents of seven children, nine grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.

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Gail F. Matthews was raised in the church by her godly mother.  She received Christ at the age of 16 years old.  She accepted her call into the ministry at the age of 20 and has been a licensed Missionary for over 35 years. She operates in the gifts of helps and administration.  This gift was sharpened through years of service at various ministries throughout the country and abroad.  She served in many aspects of ministry such as, children/youth ministry, choir director, Sunday School teacher, Small Life Group leader, and Women’s Ministry coordinator. She also possesses the gift of teaching and has written curriculum for Discipleship Training and New Members Class. 

Gail Matthews' gift of teaching led her to seek deeper understanding in the Word of God. She received her Associates Degree in Biblical Studies and Bachelors Degree in Christian Education from Truth Bible College and Seminary, Jacksonville, FL.  She received her Master’s Degree in Practical Ministry from Logos University, Jacksonville, FL.


Gail Matthews presently works full time in ministry, and has served and/or is currently serving in the following capacities:


  • West Jacksonville Church of God in Christ

- Church Administrator

  • Central Florida First Jurisdiction, COGIC   

-Executive Assistant for Operations, 2012-Present

-West Jacksonville District, District Missionary 2016-


- Dean, Servant Leaders Academy, 2017 & 2018 

  Academic Years

-Women's Department Executive Board Member,


Gail Matthews is the founder and president of Soul to Sole Ministries, Inc.  The mission of this ministry is to encourage women to live a balanced Christian life, obtained through aligning one’s Soul (mind, will, and emotions) with your daily walk. Soul to Sole Ministries' vision is to provide opportunities of fellowship whereby women can be renewed, inspired and empowered to live a victorious Christian life.

Gail Matthews serves as Vice President of Pentecostal Explosion, Inc., established in 2016. This organization sponsors the Annual Pentecostal Explosion, bringing together the ecumenical community for corporate worship.

In 2016, Gail Matthews contributed an authored chapter to a collaborative book, Fifty Shades of Change. In 2021, she penned her first solo authored work, On Recovery's Side. This book outlines spiritual lessons learned as she recovered from a major health challenge.

Co-Pastor Gail Matthews and Pastor Earl Matthews enjoy traveling and spending time with family.  Together they are the parents of seven children, nine grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.

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